This deeply heartfelt story follows Sydney Doberstein exploring her family's experience with medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and their need for more grief-related resources. Over 6-episodes, she interviews doctors, community members and loved ones in an attempt to make sense of this evolving new procedure in Canada and to reconcile her own experience with her grandma’s death. Sydney details her own family’s experience with MAiD and hopes this will be a resource for future families with loved ones considering MAiD.

Episode 1:
About Donna

Sydney revisits her grandma’s home to remember the days leading up to her death and sets on a path of discovery to learn more about MAiD in Canada, the Comox Valley, and the resources available to Canadian families.

Episode 2: Grieving

Sydney discovers that her grief isn’t linear but more part of the human condition. She also speaks with an old friend from the Comox Valley who had a similar experience with MAiD in her family.

Episode 3:
The Providers

Sydney speaks to medical professionals and community members discovering how MAiD started in Canada, the pioneering role the Comox Valley played and the passionate people behind a new medical practice.

Episode 4: Looking Ahead

Sydney seeks out MAiD-specific resources available to Canadians through Bridge C-14 and explores a potential future of MAiD in the Comox Valley and nationwide.

Episode 5:
The Gift

For the first time, Sydney returns to the room of her grandma’s MAiD procedure at the hospital. The family then visits the beach in the Comox Valley, where they celebrate her life every year.

Episode 6: Looking Ahead

The documentary team talks through their process, how working on this project has changed their views on grief and what’s next for Sydney and the series.

For more resources about MAiD and other grief support, please visit: